Plastic Production Line – Pushing System with Scrap Lift (Punch, Saw, Drill, and Inject Printer – Advanced Engineering Birmingham

30 & 31 October 2024

NEC, Birmingham

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30 & 31 Oct 2024 | NEC Birmingham

Position Automation

Plastic Production Line – Pushing System with Scrap Lift (Punch, Saw, Drill, and Inject Printer

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The Pushing System with Scrap Lift, integrated with Punch, Saw, Drill, and Inject Printer, is designed for precision and versatility in processing plastic materials. It automates material handling, ensures accurate alignment, and efficiently manages scrap, reducing waste and downtime. The advanced punching unit creates various shapes and sizes with precision, while the sawing unit offers adjustable angles for different designs. The drilling unit supports complex patterns and depths, and the inject printer allows for real-time printing of labels and barcodes, enhancing traceability.

Key features include:

Automated Material Handling: Ensures consistent feed and reduces manual intervention.
Scrap Lift System: Efficiently collects and removes waste, promoting sustainability.
High-Precision Punching, Sawing, and Drilling: Delivers exact cuts and holes for complex designs.
Injection Printer: Provides real-time, customisable printing for immediate labeling.
Advantages for manufacturers:

Increased productivity
Reduced operational costs
Improved product quality
Enhanced safety due to automated processes
The system also supports lean manufacturing by minimising the seven wastes—transportation, inventory, motion, waiting, over-processing, overproduction, and defects—maximising efficiency and sustainability in plastic processing operations.

For more details, visit Position Automation’s official website.

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