Metal Plating Thickness testing by Bowman XRF – Advanced Engineering Birmingham

30 & 31 October 2024

NEC, Birmingham

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30 & 31 Oct 2024 | NEC Birmingham


Metal Plating Thickness testing by Bowman XRF

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Coating thickness measurement is a requirement for manufacturers who plate coatings onto metal parts, as instruments ensure quality, precise specifications and economize spending.

Bowman coating thickness measurement instruments have proprietary detection technology and advanced software which allows systems to also determine elements present in the sample. Our XRF instruments simultaneously measure up to five coating layers, all of which can be alloys, and can measure HEAs (high entropy coatings) as well.

A micro focus video camera, aligned with the x-ray optics axis, selects the area on the sample to be measured. An elevator controlled by a focus laser accommodates measurement samples of varying heights.

The Bowman XRF coating measurement system meets industry’s most stringent requirements for precision, reliability and ease of use. A compact, ergonomic design makes analysis convenient for every application—at a price guaranteed to produce a fast ROI.

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