ConeX Portal – The home of great manufacturing connections – Advanced Engineering Birmingham

30 & 31 October 2024

NEC, Birmingham

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30 & 31 Oct 2024 | NEC Birmingham

ConeX Portal

ConeX Portal – The home of great manufacturing connections

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UK manufacturing champions call for more support for the sector’s thriving SMEs – Advanced Engineering 2022

A group of thriving manufacturers from across the UK are on a mission to raise the profile of successful SMEs in the UK manufacturing sector. The consortium of nine members of ConeX – a membership and support hub for anyone working across the UK’s manufacturing and engineering sectors – are attending the Advanced Engineering show in Birmingham in November.

Together, they hope to provide a strong voice for the successful, but often overlooked, UK manufacturing SMEs – and some good news.

Led by Sam Baynham, ConeX Founder and Managing Director, the combined attendance to the event demonstrates the very ethos that is behind the success of the UK’s collaboration portal and and its members – but which is lacking in more national support.

”The manufacturing sector in the UK contributes almost £200 billion into the UK economy. We know that 99% of companies in the sector are SMEs, but despite contributing so much to local and UK-wide economies, we are not always heard and supported.

“At ConeX we work primarily with this 99%, by building a strong collaborative community we give the SME sector that chance to stand out. Every week we celebrate the success of our members – so we’ve decided to attend,” says Sam.

Many of the ConeX portal’s founding members are among the group of 9 organisations, which is representative of the success, innovation and dedication to bringing the supply chain home to the UK that is evident across British Manufacturing.

“It had to be Advanced Engineering 2022 – this is the best place for so many of our wonderful community to come together. We know we will see some fantastic projects but sadly this good news is not always picked up by the mainstream media. We will be here, and we will give a strong voice for the success of UK manufacturing,” adds Sam.

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