SWMF, experts in a wide range of surface treatments, are highlighting ZnNi. If you have a requirement for this process, then please look no further.
ZnNi offers corrosion protection and is widely recognised as an environmentally safe alternative to cadmium and in certain applications, demonstrates equivalent, or better, corrosion properties.
ZnNi functions as a sacrificial coating, corroding in preference to the base material. It is also used to replace cadmium in galvanic interaction applications, where the coating is used to minimise corrosion caused by the contact between dissimilar metals. SWMF offers RoHS compliant trivalent clear and hexavalent colour, post plate treatments for enhanced corrosion protection.
For more information or a quotation, please call us on 01392 258234 or email seanh@swmf.co.uk or violetap@swmf.co.uk.
Many thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!