Loson Srl - Advanced Engineering Birmingham

30 & 31 October 2024

NEC, Birmingham

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30 & 31 Oct 2024 | NEC Birmingham

Loson Srl

Loson Srl

About us

Loson is an engineering and manufacturing company that, for almost 20 years, has been solving the complexity of processes, products and systems by implementing reliable solutions that increase efficiency.
We enhance engineering with creativity to move beyond technology and create value by enhancing performance and durability, reducing production and management costs, and increasing safety.
Our newest line of products integrates electronics to composite skins thus developing systems which not only perform their task, but turn into sensors able to feed operational data or to interact more safely with the surrounding environment or humans.
Aerospace-minded, we approach every project favouring quality, reliability, safety, punctuality, precision. These characteristics are recognized by our customers and translate into lower costs. A broad and reliable panel of suppliers allows us to also operate as a general contractor, offering the required adaptability to meet the needs of customers of different sizes and markets.
Loson is the design, engineering, and manufacturing partner that adds value at every stage of the process.



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