PLASMA NITRIDE OVENS (DOUBLE BASED) – Advanced Engineering Birmingham

30 & 31 October 2024

NEC, Birmingham

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30 & 31 Oct 2024 | NEC Birmingham


Individual plasma nitriding systems for your requirements
Every customer has different wishes and requirements. We fulfill them. Our quality promise is always the same: Every plant we make works reliably and precisely to deliver consistent, reproducible finishing results. Items we supply include:

Individual plants as bell-type or pit-type furnaces: Bell-type plants are very operator-friendly; pit-type furnaces are exceptionally well suited to nitriding long, slim components that easily warp, such as spindles, extruder screws and shafts, or for automatic loading.

Double-base systems as bell-type furnaces: Double-base systems enable you to use one base for nitriding while preparing the next batch on the other base. The changeover occurs automatically when the process has finished.

Unorthodox solutions such as rotary furnace vacuum systems
As standard, our systems are available in various sizes and can be integrated easily into your manufacturing. We have implemented everything – heights from 0.5 to 6 m, diameters from 0.45 to 6 m and component weights from 2 g to 40 t. All systems are offered as standard systems at 20 cm diameter 25 cm height.

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