Behind the Booth: Stories from the show floor - Meet Kevin Levy, Marketing Director - leading CAD, 3D PDF and XR solutions at Theorem Solutions

30 & 31 October 2024

NEC, Birmingham

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30 & 31 Oct 2024 | NEC Birmingham

Behind the Booth: Stories from the show floor – Meet Kevin Levy, Marketing Director, leading CAD, 3D PDF and XR solutions at Theorem Solutions

kevin levy

London, 30/09/2024

Welcome Kevin !

Could you share some insights into your career path and what led you to your current position at Theorem?

I’ve been with Theorem Solutions for 21 years, combining my passion for engineering, design, and marketing. I started as a Marketing Executive when both marketing and tech were very different, and since then, I’ve held roles as Marketing Manager and Marketing Director. Theorem was acquired by Tech Soft 3D earlier this year, so am currently transitioning into my new role as Director of Marketing for the Industrial Applications Group.

Why do you feel it’s important to get involved with bringing the industry together at Advanced Engineering?

Advanced Engineering is an amazing opportunity for all areas of engineering and manufacturing to come together and to showcase the latest advancements in technology, collaborate with industry experts, address common challenges, and network with other like-minded individuals to help shape the future of the engineering industry.

Is there anything you can tease for your participation at Advanced Engineering this year?

This is our third year exhibiting at Advanced Engineering, and we’re excited to showcase our latest Extended Reality technology, TheoremXR, along with our 3D PDF publishing solution, CADPublish. We’re also available to discuss direct CAD-to-CAD translation. This year, we’re featuring our most advanced and robust XR apps yet, with multiple devices on hand to demonstrate full-scale collaborative visualization, the many different use cases for the technology, as well as the significant time, cost, and efficiency improvements—especially in data preparation for XR.

Let’s talk more about the industry,  do you think there are any industry – specific challenges or opportunities in the UK market that your projects or initiatives address?

The UK engineering market has its own set of challenges and opportunities, especially when it comes to streamlining collaboration and making data more accessible. Our XR remote collaboration tools help teams work together in real-time, cutting down on travel and speeding up decision-making. With our 3D PDF solutions, complex data becomes easy to access and share without needing special software, supporting a paperless workflow. These innovations help UK companies boost productivity, reduce inefficiencies, and lower their environmental impact, keeping them competitive in the market.

Does your company contribute to sustainability and environmental considerations in the engineering industry?

Yes, our company actively contributes to sustainability in the engineering industry. Our XR solutions enhance collaboration by reducing the need for travel, enabling early-stage prototyping, and improving efficiency, which helps streamline processes and minimize waste. Additionally, our 3D PDF products support model-based definitions and paperless workflows, cutting down on physical drawings. Together, these innovations help companies lower their carbon footprint and adopt greener, more sustainable practices.

What ongoing efforts does your organisation make to stay at the forefront of engineering and manufacturing advancements in the market?

We stay ahead in engineering and manufacturing by closely listening to our customers, using their needs and challenges to shape how we develop our technology. We’re flexible and don’t lock ourselves into any one XR device or format for example, keeping things neutral so we can tackle a wide variety of industry challenges. We stay at the forefront by building our products on API libraries from leading CAD and PLM vendors, ensuring both data fidelity and compatibility with the latest industry advancements. By staying adaptable, maintaining strong partnerships, and evolving with both our customers and the market, we ensure our solutions remain practical, scalable, and ready to meet whatever comes next.

Do you have advice for any students starting in the engineering industry?

For students entering the engineering industry with a focus on design, it’s essential to understand the growing importance of technology and how it is evolving. AI cannot do everything for you, and as an individual you still require core skills, so mastering digital tools and keeping up with advancements like 3D modelling, data interoperability, and XR technologies will help you. I think you need to embrace the shift towards digital workflows, as the ability to work with and manage design data efficiently will be key to driving innovation and sustainability in the future of engineering.

Where do you see the future of the engineering industry going?

I think the future of engineering will continue to be shaped by digitalization, automation, and sustainability, but it’s important to highlight that these advancements will complement, not replace, the human workforce. Technologies like AI and automation will enhance human creativity and problem-solving, making work more efficient and eco-friendly. With model-based definition, teams will seamlessly communicate using 3D models and supporting data, driving better collaboration. As we break down barriers to 3D data, the industry will gain the tools to innovate more freely and respond to global challenges with greater agility.

This was an insightful exploration into the world of engineering and manufacturing. Thank you Kevin for sharing your valuable expertise and forward-thinking perspectives!

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